The fishing forecast for February here in Ft. Lauderdale has yet to be determined. While there has been some bitter cold in the northern regions, little of that cold air has made its way south. In January, we set a new warm weather record trend, 15 days straight with highs in the 80’s. This means our local ocean temperatures are warmer than normal and has kept the Sailfish, usually our most abundant fish this time of year, from migrating south. We experienced the same pattern last year.
If the weather here stays warm, Sailfish will be coming through our area only here and there as they do year round. Their migration will be delayed as it was last year until March, or even April. If we get a few good cold pushes from the north, this time table will be pushed up and the north winds and cooler water temperatures will push the baitfish and the Sails south returning things to a more normal pattern.
So as our jeans and sweaters sit in the closet, we turn to other fish in the area that have been providing our fishing fun. Wahoo, Mahi-mahi and Tuna are being caught and some nice ones too. There have also been some large Kingfish taken on live bait to provide some excitement and without those pesky strong north winds; Swordfish fishing is possible as well. That is something we usually can’t do this time of year due to the size of the seas way out in the deep.
Amberjack and Cobia will start showing in numbers on the wrecks and artificial reefs and sharks will take up residence hoping for an easy prey, so make sure you reel quickly or lose half a fish to a predator.
There’s always something going on in the ocean for the fishing off Ft. Lauderdale and it doesn’t involve single digits or snow. Keep an eye on our daily reports for up to the minute catches.
Captain Steve Souther
Ft Lauderdale Fishing Off Shore
(954) 761-8202