Each month we try to forecast the fishing here in Fort Lauderdale. We’re now in March of 2013 and Mother Nature has shown us that she IS in charge. And it is her weather that determines what moves along the coast as we get closer to spring.
The cool air we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. When the temperatures drop and the winds and sea swells come from the north, the Sailfish begin their journey to southern waters. We expect some excellent Sailfish action within the next week or so. Conditions are perfect for this migration to take place finally. We’ve been erratic with these fish lately due to some unusually warm weather here. But the gates are now open and the fish should pour through our area.
Following the Sailfish will be the large sharks we usually fish for beginning in March. Care to test your strength? These big boys, and girls, will do just that! Hammerheads, Makos, Threshers, Tigers and more will become the predominant large fish in our area soon. This time of year it becomes important to land any fish hooked as quickly as possible. A struggling fish on the line makes a tasty morsel for any shark in the area. Your dinner can become his. ?
We’ve been experiencing some very good fishing for small Blackfin Tuna like the one in the picture. Most are small but fun to catch and welcome on any table for snacks or dinner. Mahi-mahi have also been in our area intermittently and are always a welcome sight. Fishing for Wahoo has been pretty darn good too, probably due to the fact that the Kingfish have been very hard to find so the deep baits have a chance to attract these fish.
March is also the time of year the large Amberjacks move onto the deep wrecks and reefs. Fishing 200 to 300’ for these can also produce some Cobia or a large Grouper.
Well, that’s my fishing forecast for the Fort Lauderdale area this month. When we pass you the rod? Better hang on, it could be a BIG one…

Captain Steve Souther
Fort Lauderdale Fishing Off Shore
(954) 761-8202