Many of our fishing trips are with the family and kids here in Fort Lauderdale. That was certainly the case with John, Cheryl and the girls, Sarah and Claire. When I first met John, and the girls, it was on a windy and kind of rough day that we went fishing. The girls were a blast and so excited with each and every fish we caught no matter how big or what size. This kind of enthusiasm is contagious and was extended to the hardened sea faring crew. You just can?t help but enjoy the zest and zeal with how these girls attack each bite.

Today was a grey day with an 80% chance of rain. Seas were fairly calm but the overcast skies weren?t exactly Fort Lauderdale?s norm. And our ?A? plan failed miserably, live bait was not to be caught since our onslaught of Bluefish less than 1 week ago.

We began trolling as we headed off shore and found nothing to fish to. A submerged weed line, very unusual, was found but provided nothing. But the fish gods were smiling upon this family from Texas and soon the Blackfin Tuna and a few Bonito were biting and occupying our time. They also kept the rain away.

Each line down caused a shriek and poor Chris hardly had a chance to get to a rod before the girls were pointing it out. Dad didn?t fare well either as the girls pounced at each chance to reel in a fish. A few small Mahi-mahi also came by but all but one were released because of their size.

Claire is on the left, Sarah on the right, their catch before them. It took quite a bit to get Claire to hold a fish? Again.
A fishing trip with the family in Fort Lauderdale? Definitely a ?good? something to do.

Capt. Steve Souther
Fort Lauderdale Off Shore Fishing
(954) 761-8202