We always look forward to the opportunity of going offshore on a charter with swordfish as a first priority. We have two very different approaches to catching Swords depending on whether we fish during the day or as (and after) the sun goes down. We fished Kirk, Ron, Allen and Mike for two swordfish charters. These guys fish a whole bunch up in New England and wanted to try the Swordies here off South Florida. We were originally set up to fish early in the winter but rough seas caused us to postpone the charter for three straight days, and then finally just ran out of time and they headed back home. Nice sunny days but an unfriendly sea offshore, so they enjoyed the mild temperatures and planned for a second trip to try the Swords in July. The weather didn?t get us this time and we had the boys aboard and off we went offshore for a couple of tries at the Swords. The daytime drops using a single rod didn?t produce a bite for us fishing on the bottom in areas surrounding 1775 feet. A couple of Mahi-Mahi stopped by and hit the ice but no chances for targeted species. But the night spread of four lines staggered from 50 to 400 feet below the surface did. That 400 foot rod is called the ?tip? rod as we constantly fool with it during the evening at different depths as it isn?t buoyed and therefore restricted to any specefic depth. 400 feet just happened to be where it was being fished when Capt. Chris and the crew got their fish. Moon just beginning to touch the horizon and a single hooked squid drew the bite.