Fort Lauderdale fishing Sailfish

As fall conditions become more and more evident here in Fort Lauderdale fishing for Sailfish begins to occupy more of our time offshore. Mornings are cooler even though the afternoons can still get warm. There is a lot of bait in the area now. Mullet schools are moving south, loads of juvenile Bonito are on the reefs and most importantly schools of Pilchards, Herring, and Sardines are just off the beaches.
Pictured are Tim and the boys who got together and chartered us as part of a Bachelor Party week-end. When Tim called to reserve (this was his first trip with us) and filled me in on the details I had my usual suggestion. ?Sleep in and we?ll see you about 12:30 or 1?. An afternoon charter often seems to be the best time frame for most of these get togethers and Tim readily agreed.
His group arrived right on time and off we went. Mostly sunny but with a few clouds to block some of that afternoon sun. Really nice fishing day with reasonably clean water right up in the reefs. Slightly more current just off the reef line and fewer free floating weeds which have been prevalent and fouling our baits. A logical spot to target and this full grown Sail posed for pictures just prior to his release. Other notable fish today were a pair of 12 # Mahi-Mahi. Live baiting was the choice for this trip and the Sail fell for a live Bonito. No Wahoo bites this afternoon.