November is already here. And it’s hard to believe how fast the year is flying by. In the blink of an eye it seems it will be Xmas and……here’s the November Ft. Lauderdale fishing forecast.
November always seems to bring a good amount of wind due to the early season cold fronts. The NE will get the cool and even cold weather and the wind. By the time those fronts reach here what we see is mostly wind and only a few degrees drop in the temperature. These fronts are not strong enough to bring the cold this early in the season but they do have a good effect on our fishing never the less. The erratic fishing we spoke of in our fishing reports for September and October will still on occasion haunt us, but November is traditionally a better month. Those winds associated with the frontal systems will stir up the ocean and step things up offshore. Some days will bring too much wind and the resulting high seas to fish. There will be postcard flat seas on other days. That is just the way it will be. The wind will have fish, both predators and baitfish, moving thru the area. On those days when the wind blows chances of a good catch will be a very real possibility. When we get offshore on that postcard pretty calm day we will seriously be hoping some of those fish have liked the area and are hanging around and hungry.
There will be days when we leave a lot of what hair we have left lying on the deck because this is still November, and while the fishing is better, there will be those struggling days when everything might look so perfect but it will seem as nobody is home. But there will be good days.
Our catches will include Mahi-Mahi, Wahoo, Kings and some Sailfish. Bottom fishing will be essentially for Vermillion Snapper and Tilefish, with a lucky Grouper here and there. Some Jacks and Sharks will be scarce. On some of the days especially when that north wind is up Sailfish will be jumping our baits with more regularity. Some good Wahoo, especially on the moon.