As summer winds down here expect some warmer August days. A typical high here is now about 92 or 93 degrees and we cherish those days with a little breeze to knock the edge off so to speak. It isn’t really all that hot when you look at the temperatures from so many other areas of the country what with them hovering in the high 90s and even higher. But it is hot here in August, seems hotter this year, and we have the A/C units on the Marlin running non stop. You can duck inside for a breather in that A/C but Capts. Chris, Tommy and myself, while we do catch a better breeze on the bridge, take it on the chin this time of year even with the overhead canvas to block most of the direct sun. So dress cool and bring the sunscreen. We have plenty of ice cold water aboard and your beer will seem to be a whole lot colder if you have one in this August Summer Florida sun.
Fishing has been a bit less predictable than the summer sun. There will be good catch days but poorer ones as well. Trolling will allow you to cover large areas and hopefully find sweet spots. Live baiting will draw the larger fish as a rule, but trolling often will bring the most action. Typical August catches along the reef lines are Kingfish and Bonito. We will and have caught some Blackfin Tuna. There are some Sailfish around as well, but far from Winter’s numbers. Expect some Snapper and a few Grouper when the current allows that option.
August is a great month for Wahoo and we will be expecting some chances at really good ones. Fishing those trolled deep planer rods will usually out fish the live bait fishermen on August Wahoo. Special fish that we don’t catch everyday. Concentrate on color changes and current edges, pick up your speed slightly, and stay with it. They certainly don’t grow on trees and persistently covering the good looking areas with your best stuff at an increased speed can pay off in a special fish.
Mahi–Mahi are less frequent here now, and although we will continue to have some around, most will be very scattered on most days and way offshore. Often outside beyond the daytime Swordfish areas. Swordfishing can have it’s moments. Good moon near the end of the month and we are looking forward going as are many other anglers.
In summary we feel the reefs on most days will hold the most action, especially important when you bring the kids. Expect the heat and the still mornings and on some days be prepared to cover a lot of area, but a typically calm sea will let you enjoy the day and it’s perfect kid weather. Tight lines.