We received a call for a mid week charter from Peter about a Ft. Lauderdale fishing trip for his two boys Nikko and Dillon. He was going to be in town with his boys and then the kids would finish out the summer with their grandparents home just west of Greater Ft. Lauderdale. Get some fishing in with the kids and then back to the 9 to 5 in the NE for Peter. Good fun today and it was all about the kids and fishing was good close to shore on the reefs about a mile off the beach(always a plus). We did venture offshore a couple of days back on a request for Mahi-Mahi. And again we did manage a few, once again smaller fish with only several keepers, and we did get another Blue Marlin bite with the fish winning out this time via a pulled hook. Wasn?t close to a catch as he was still 400 yards out when it ended. A big Blue, light tackle and a 400 yard difference with the line angling down usually means pack a lunch. Next time, and hopefully on some heavier tackle would be nice. The action (especially with kids) remains best inshore on the reefs despite the lure of that beautiful blue Gulfstream water and a chance encounter with that ?man in the Blue Suit?. Hopefully we will have the presence of those Blue Marlin out there for awhile. But we could use more Mahi-Mahi offshore, and a lot closer to shore would be welcomed.
So the reefs it was for this ? day charter. Peter and the boys were early, but we were ready so we headed out of the inlet ahead of most of the fleet. Bright sunny morning today with a very slight southeast breeze. No rain in sight but the air was heavy until the wind picked up. Typical morning here in Ft. Lauderdale this time of year. Very strong current flowing North with flat calm seas. Current makes things happen. Good fishing as we said earlier. Snapped this shot of Dillon and Nikko early on when 1st mate Dave pulled the Kings out of the ice to take a fish count to make sure we didn?t exceed the legal limit and then back into the box and back to fishing. Caught a few more nice Kings, releasing some to stay at the limit along with more fat Summer Bonitos (aka Speed Perch). Horsepower to spare and a good tug of war for our Junior anglers Nikko and Dillon.
Tight lines and try to stay dry.