Weekends right now are for the kids, and children plus deep sea fishing makes for a fun charter here aboard Marlin My Darlin. Pictured are John and his boys and their half day catch of Blackfin Tuna, Wahoo and a Mahi-Mahi. Every one qualifies as a Moby Dick, just ask them. Drop a couple of the lures down a size to draw a few more bites. Bend the rod, catch a fish and try to bend the rod some more. Little guys such as these two often have as many questions than fish, so we try to keep them on their toes with fish and conversation. Good action and all within a mile and a half of shore.

Continued reasonable sea conditions offshore. Lots of sun with scattered clouds throughout the day has been the norm. Sunscreen and lots of water. Drinking lots of water is the key to beating the heat right now and taking a brief stint inside in the A/C (especially children) keeps it comfortable. The onshore breeze continues to take the edge off the heat keeping it reasonable, especially offshore. Beautiful days, but watch that summer sun.