As we wind up the Fall season here our Ft. Lauderdale fishing report is a positive one. Still a slower catch day here and there but numbers are improving.
Pictured are some Kingfish, and we should see good numbers of these fish as we get into the summer.
Our catches as lately have also included Dorado, an occasional Wahoo with some Sailfish too. There continue to be a good number of sharks offshore as well. Bottom fishing for Snappers, Jacks and Tiles has been productive. This is nice time of year to fish here as there are days of numerous fish and that is a plus for families with children who make up the bulk of the summer fishing charters in Ft. Lauderdale.
Our weather is warm as is the norm. A lack of rain as this the beginning of our rainy season has made for dry days with lower humidity. The rain will come soon enough as it has been nice offshore not steering around the rain cells we typically would be encountering here. The rain when we do begin to get it offshore is most often small in area and we manage to steer around at least 50% of them. Sometimes it’s nice not having a road to follow. LOL.
Tight lines and good fishing to all