Ft. Lauderdale fishing trips are producing some reasonable catches both on the inshore reefs and also out in or near the Gulfstream. Pleasant wave action of really two feet or less has made it comfortable. There have been some showers and most seem to pass below us off of Miami recently. Today was a good example as South Beach got lots of rain and although we felt we might get some ourselves everything stayed below us in the Miami fishing areas. Not a drop all morning, and the overcast with only spotty bright sun kept the temperature down.

A strong northerly current flow has limited bottom fishing. But that same current can often get the surface bite going and we are seeing exactly that. On the reefs Kings and bonito as shown in the photo have been biting well. A few Wahoo as well and a Sailfish opportunity this morning that ended before we could get the fish alongside for a pic. Football sized Blackfin Tuna mostly just outside the greener water.

Off the inside edge we are seeing some Dorado and that has been beginning right out front of our inlet in about 700 feet of water and then on out. Mostly schoolie sized but there are some really good sized ones as well.