Fishing in Ft.Lauderdale late September

Here it is late in September and the fishing in Ft. Lauderdale is showing some signs of change.
While still plenty warm here and the rain has been persistent with at least one visit almost every day there are some subtle changes.

The first fronts have pushed through and although very weak we have seen some northern wind. The ocean is beginning to have a different feel to it however slight. Pilchards and full grown Herring have been all the way through the inlet and around the corner south to the bridge (Las Olas). There are the first schools of average sized Mullet oceanside and the inside canals are holding Finger Mullet. Small ?Flipper Bonito? or ?Bullets’ are on the reefs and wrecks. Subtle changes signaling the approaching cooler weather here for South Florida. Slow and steady but it’s coming.

Kings biting on the reef with those persistent good sized Bonito mixed in. Bending the rods. Some Tuna as well as you can see by the photo. There is an upbeat on the Wahoo bites with this moon. Swordfish still in the game offshore and we are ready to go and take advantage of these sea conditions. Very few Sails out front. Snapper fishing is good with some Groupers showing on the deeper wrecks. Warsaw Grouper still a possibility on the deeper wrecks.

Tight lines and good fishing