We have been continuing to choose to fish near shore ( from 1 to 3 miles off the beach) and the area has been providing good action for our Fort Lauderdale fishing charters. The past several days offered reasonable sea conditions with only a slightly above average swell and scattered rain showers. Today we are forecast to see 3 to 4 foot seas with a possibility of some 5 footers. In actuality it is flat calm without a breath of wind. A Swordfish offshore and out into the deep water was scrapped in favor of fishing near shore in calmer waters for the Kings and Tunas that have been biting so well in that 1 to 3 mile range. Now with this surprise ( almost) dawning of a totally different wind and sea condition day than forecast ( hopefully they did get the no rain part right) we will be asking the charter ( experienced guys) to pick the program for the day as a Swordfish trip now appears to be back on the radar. Apparently the front responsible for the forecast has slowed much more than the weather boys expected and we could get through the day without the wind and lumpy ocean. We’ll see and our next report will include their chosen option and the results.

For now we’ll race the dawn to get this report out to you and get the Marlin My Darlin ready for whatever avenue they choose.

The Kingfish have been very happy to take our baits in the area right out from of our inlet in water from 80 to 110 feet of water. Once again they are smaller “schoolie” sized fish but most all are keepers and they have been piling on surface baits along with the usual deep line bites. Lines fished way back behind the boat have been the most productive. Loads of small “Bullet Bonito” around almost any structure but live baiting with them has continued slow with only an occasional slightly larger Kingfish, small Sharks and occasional Sail showing up, not the big fat Kings of Wahoo we are hoping to see.

Late in the day the Blackfins have been on fire with good action out in 250 to 350 feet of water. Vast schools of minnows about an inch and a half long have them blasting away once the mid day sun backs off. Small baits to match the size of the thousands of minnows, and the rod bends over. No monsters here but nice fun sized and tasty Blackfin Tunas under flocks of birds. A few big adult Bonito (False Albacore) in that mix as well. We are still happy to accept the Bonito at the end of the line as we use them as most of you are aware for strip baits throughout the coming months. Certainly enough Blackfins the last couple of days to put up with the occasional Bonito. Funny how a super strong fighting (and tasting/ not good at all) fish such as the False Albacore (Bonito) sits aways down on most lists here but up in New England they are happily targeted by anglers who can’t wait to catch them offshore and then almost on the beach late in their season. So we will continue to aim at the Tunas here, but we will accept those Bonito and their long strong runs.

Some Mahi-Mahi around with again the areas of the reefs and the bait holding there drawing their attention. Some fish will be found deeper but they know where that concentration of bait will be and they find it. A few Sailfish around and it looks ( just in) as though they will be of interest today along with the other near shore fish as our anglers on this morning’s all day charter have chosen not to risk the Swordfish and potential rising sea conditions out in the stream if the approaching frontal system does decide to puff a bit. We are putting the Swordfish tackle back in the cabin and setting up the King, Tuna and Mahi-Mahi tackle for today and getting ready to enjoy this mild sunny and beautiful South Florida morning.

Enjoy the pictures and tight lines from all of us here on the Marlin My Darlin.