We are looking forward to the weekend as a drop in the “dew point’ is expected with this latest frontal system passing through our area late yesterday afternoon will make it feel a bit less close as our famous humidity has been right up there making it noticeably sticky for sure. But that seems more bearable when the high was 85 yesterday, pretty nice compared to other sections of the country. So we have been pretty busy this week with fishing charters here in Fort Lauderdale.

An edge from green water to nice blue yielded some Mahi-Mahi. This was a hard color change holding a fair amount of weeds and small baitfish. The fish proved reluctant to bite with only single fish coming into the spread as we moved down the edge. We did pick away at them and also managed Kings inside on the reefs. Later in the day on an afternoon trip we caught the kings well inside the main reef line in 60 to 65 feet of water and also a nice Black Grouper, again in that same depth. Cero Mackerel mixed in there too.

The Blackfin Tunas have been biting fairly regularly and late in the day has once again been by far the best with the schools popping up to the surface out in 300 to 350 feet and tearing up schools of small minnows. Some Bonito mixed in with those Blackfins. There is quite a good amount of grass in the areas holding the Tunas and it is keeping the mates busy as a bit of grass on the hook or bait will of course severely limit or totally stop a fish from taking that bait. Little aggravating stringy pieces that are at times very difficult to see, so pull away boy, pull away at those baits, checking them even if they appear clean, and feel good when you pull it in for seemingly nothing if it comes in clear, because that means you are in the game. Mates arms seem a foot longer from constantly checking those baits by the end of the day, but a look inside the fishbox at the end of the day can be rewarding.

Vermillion Snappers biting on structure out in the deeper water and the Black Groupers have made a decent showing this fall. Some Sailfish showing with them typically being inside of 200 feet and while some are here they are still few in number. This front now upon us might kick their numbers up a bit. Some Sardine schools in the area along with other baitfish.

Tight lines and good fishing