Fishing charters in Fort Lauderdale the last couple of days here aboard the Marlin My Darlin have yielded better catches as Wahoo and Blackfin Tunas have been in our area just offshore of the reef line.

Here’s is hoping this better fishing continues beyond today (Wed.) as we have many pre- booked charters on the books and certainly are looking forward to this improved fishing.

The nice Wahoo in the lead photo took a Bonito strip bait fished along a current edge on the shorter of our two braided line planer rods out in 300 feet of water. Not really deep blue water there but more of a blend from clean green to powdery blue color. This one ate 1st mate JJ’s favorite Seawitch /strip combination, one he has named Watermellon Seed.

Good fat Blackfin Tunas around and as you can see by the photos there are some really good ones. JJ’s Watermellon Seed, again on a deep line drew, the bite from the larger fish and the second only ever so slightly smaller Tuna took a surface fished strip behind a cream colored head.

The weather is off the scale with warm days and clear skies. And pleasant seas as the wind has finally taken a breather. Strong northerly current right up to the edge of the reef and pretty clear blue water outside the powdery blue blend in roughly 300 feet, but most fish have been inside that blue water in the powdery blue and slightly into the greenish colored water as well. There are also scattered school sized Mahi-Mahi and mid sized Bonitos in the area.