Overall the Deep Sea fishing charters in Ft. Lauderdale have become much improved over the erratic conditions we had been facing and we have had loads of children offshore along with our full grown anglers. Reasonable seas in some of the brightest blue water all the way to the beach many days and under sunny skies. Snow up the line and mid 80s here. Winter, what there was of it, has apparently left the building.
Some Wahoo continue to hold just outside the reef line, and a deep line continues to draw the majority of bites. They can bite throughout the day but jack up the speed a hair in the morning or later in the day when the water is blue and don’t be surprised if the tell tale violent strike takes the line off that reel. Blackfin Tuna again are holding just off that same reef line and there have been more Mahi-Mahi. The recent Mahi-Mahi have been encountered up on the reefs chasing Bally Hoo and Flying Fish, and also just off the reef and focusing mainly on the flyers. The Mahi are now beginning to be seen further off the edge too and out there virtually any smaller hapless fish can be dinner, and will be, as the size of the schools of Mahi will contain more fish. And the Kings have bit on the reefs and the Golden Tiles are taking baits off the bottom out in the deep water. We are of course pulling for more continuing continuity here and distancing ourselves from those erratic fishing days in recent reports.
As we said lots of children lately aboard the Marlim My Darlin. Big kids, little kids. Bigger fish and littler fish. Enjoy the pictures of the children. Every fish is more often than not Moby Dick to the junior crowd.
See you offshore. Tight lines and good fishing