The rain we were experiencing as tropical storm Alberto moved up the Gulf off the west coast of Florida and into the panhandle area of the state has finally backed off. It has remained essentially overcast but that rain has thankfully left us. It was amazing to see the rain bands so far to the east of the storm and then trailing it as it made it’s way inland so far away. We got plenty and the Bahamas got hammered too. So rain chances are happily way down and the temperature is up, being forecast to reach or barely top 90 for four straight days.

The fishing has been good with the same species as we have been mentioning in our previous reports. King Mackerel biting on the inside. By inside we mean in water from 50 to 70 feet. These fish have moved in there we assume to get out of the north current, which has been absolutely roaring just outside of those depths and is running strongly still even in those 50 to 70 foot depths. Our water is very discolored due to the huge amount of rainwater being released inland and pouring out the inlets. But the Kings are underneath that layer of fresh discolored water and steadily taking baits fished beneath the ugly water.

The strong north current has kept that grey water close in as it carries it away and edges in 200 to 400 feet have held prettier water. Not a deep blue there but a somewhat softer blue and being clean and just clear enough there are Blackfin Tuna and Mahi-Mahi to be found there. Most Mahi-Mahi are school sized but continue to easily be of legal size. Some of the Blackfins are big boys and really give a strong fight. Tuna always pull hard and when you catch them in extreme current as we are experiencing now. They can really sharply bend the rod and take some line off the reel. That’s Dan and his son with a nice fat one in one of the photosTheir cousin the Bonito is still biting inside and they pull pretty good as well, but not like a typical Blackfin Tuna.

Very few Sails and a quiet moon for the Wahoo here so far, and bottom fishing is pretty much out due to the screaming current, but fishing overall is quite good. Enjoy the photos of our recent anglers here aboard the Marlin my Darlin. Too much fun with Caesar in the individual photo (he’s also pictured in one of the group shots) . He’s here from Illinois visiting friends who live locally and fished with them aboard today. 25 years in the service and owns the last remaining “Mister Donut” in the states. He made my smile just as big as his the whole morning. Good guy. Good fun. Good fishing

Tight lines and see you on the rip.