I think it is safe to say that wherever you live school is out for summer, and our fishing charters in Fort Lauderdale continue to have many families aboard. I’m including as always photos of recent anglers and this week’s shots are focusing on the boys. I have photos of young lady anglers too, so be sure not to miss next weeks report with some photos of those junior anglers of the fairer sex, can’t leave them out.
Action has remained pretty steady throughout the week and we continue to focus on the reefs just over a mile from shore. Our weather has been warm but not really too too hot. There has been some rain as expected and we and the anglers have dealt with that. Showers have been scattered and many as we have said before are easily avoided, but some do catch us. This weather is not a socked in type of situation but instead smaller visible systems often moving swiftly through our area. In between them is plenty of sun and we have not lost any charters due to a miserable day of weather. Winds have been light, resulting in favorable and comfortable sea conditions. Lots of seaweed (Sargasso) continues to be in our area. I’m sure the beach cleaning crews are utilizing extra trucks to haul it off once they scoop it off the sand.
Kingfish have been regulars to hit the fishbox ice and they continue to be comfortable in the expected depths in the vicinity of 100 feet. A trolling pattern of on an off the outer edges of the reef has been best and all that seaweed has kept our mates busy clearing lines. Many times we find the Kings favoring the inside edge of the reef but the outside and just deeper has been best this week. Moving slowly across those areas has drawn bites. We of course have certain color combinations we favor depending on water clarity and they have been greeted favorably by the Kings on most days. Always nice when the fish behave as hoped, makes it a bit easier for sure.
Continued Bonito action on the inside and unless we see a school working baits on the surface they are an incidental catch mixed in with the Kings. Incidental is a good word for the Sailfish as they are very scattered this past week. We have again manages some Mahi- Mahi in some deeper water, but they continue to be less plentiful than any of us would like.
Back to back Swordfish trips coming up here on the Marlin My Darlin with a couple of charters who fish with us regularly. Wish us luck there as we will be all in for sure. And the spinners will be out and ready for any Mahi we see along the way. Either way, out or in.
Tight lines and good fishing, get those kids out there. Rick, Matt, Tommy K, JJ and Cameron.