The Atlantic ocean seems to be full of disturbances (5) lately but we are at least for now very far from harm’s way and enjoying some spectacular weather. Bright sunny skies again and we still are seeing only the slightest breeze off the ocean, making for calm fishing conditions to go along with those welcome blue skies. With good action and this weather day after day on our Deep Sea fishing charters in Ft. Lauderdale our anglers have been catching decent numbers of the assorted species of fish available offshore.


         Please enjoy the photographs of recent anglers with some of their catches. King Mackerel, Blackfin Tuna, Sailfish, Mahi-Mahi, Sharks of various species, Jacks, Snappers, Bonito and some good sized Barracuda are pictured.


       We continue to have the most successful trips by working on and just off the reef line with trolled baits on both the surface and deep lines. We have the live baits and kites at the ready but the trolling as mentioned has been the most productive. Switching over to shark presentations on a couple of charters after doing some trolling has resulted in pretty quick bites and good sized fish from them. Sailfish, a species we often target with  various live baits, have been up in the trolled bait spread behind the boat on charters so at least for now we will continue to chose trolling as our primary approach to getting the most action and catching various species fish for our anglers.


        Tight lines and good fishing to all and get out there and take advantage of this great weather we so fortunately have here as so many areas above us continue to feel Nature’s wrath.


        Captains Rick, Matt and Tom aboard the Marlin My Darlin. See you on the rip.