Certainly not wicked cold here for this time of year. I say “ fun in the sun” as the low this morning was 71 degrees. The weather service says 81 will be our high. Next four days an early morning low of between 75 and 77 degrees and 83 to 84 as the forecast high every day. No sweater weather here if you join us on a fishing charter in Fort Lauderdale. Good fishing weather for sure so lets get to the fishing and please enjoy the photos of recent anglers here aboard the Marlin My Darlin.
There have been a few early season Sailfish around and they continue to prefer water less than 200 feet in depth which as many of you are aware is within a mile and a half of the beach. Around those same depths we have been seeing quite a few schools of Blackfin Tuna. Most schools are active and easily visible as they chase bait fish right on the surface. Bonito are still a possibility on charters as they are also working many of those bait fish schools. Lots of bait fish in our area with the reefs holding many schools and a large number of Flying fish on the edge and slightly deeper.
Kingfish on and just off the reef lines as expected and they continue to be school sized fish with almost all legal sized. Both State and Federal regulations are vigorously enforced here by law enforcement and a quarter of an inch on the wrong side of the tape measure is to put it simply very much on the wrong side. Deep fished planer rods with the braided main line ( we use Power Pro because of it’s small diameter and uniform quality) are far out fishing surface fished lines. Strips of Bonito and Mullet typically will out fish straight artificials such as various spoons unless the fish are absolutely stacked up. There have been decent numbers of these Kings around, but they are “not stacked up” as we say so we have been sticking with the natural baits. By pulling natural baits on those deep lines you will also see Sailfish on those lines. Sailfish and spoons are not a good mix and very rarely does a Sail take a spoon. A Wahoo is a fish that will strike a spoon and we have caught many on them on spoons, but right now we are sticking with the meat and drawing good bites.
Sunscreen and a hat. Shorts not sweaters this week. Minimal chances of rain showers. See you on the rip. Rick, Matt, Tommy, JJ and Cameron aboard the Marlin My Darlin