As we quickly approach Christmas the afternoon of light but persistent rain accompanying our latest “cool” front has passed on through and the skies have cleared and we will see a low of 55 as this system moves offshore and out of Florida. North Florida got hammered with rain and the Carolinas got hammered with snow as we are getting over an aggravating drizzle of showers and that wicked low of 55. We happily often get lucky here as many fronts get worn down severely as they work their way through the state.
The sea conditions are surprisingly pleasant despite the frontal system just passing through. Often a bit of wind accompanies these systems. Pleasant as in flat calm yesterday and almost as pancake flat this morning. Water up on the reefs is a nice shade of blue and a slight current to the north there with the more pronounced current beginning in roughly 300 feet.
Really no reason to get too excited about Sailfishing as, at least up until today, they are few behind this front. Actually it was better for them before the front. A disappointment of course but the fishing overall is really pretty good. Kingfish continue to be available and hungry in water of roughly 100 feet in depth. Numerous Bonito, some quite large, getting into the action in those same depths. Some Mahi-Mahi continue to search out the Flying Fish as they pass through the area. Blackfin Tuna continue to be of decent size on the average despite a drop in numbers. Wahoo have been just off the edge and of course very welcome when they give us a crack at them.
Snappers on the deep spots and some good Amberjacks and occasional Grouper on those wrecks too. Along with those larger full grown Bonito we are now seeing as expected larger numbers of the small juvenile Bonito that we love to use as live baits. Wahoo and bigger Kings have a soft spot for them and we are naturally doing more of that style of fishing now that those little “Bullett” Bonito are available for us.
Enjoy the photos of some of our recent anglers who have joined us here aboard our Marlin My Darlins and Happy Holiday wishes and tight lines too all. Rick, Matt, Tommy K, Nate, JJ, Allen & Cameron