I’ll start with “same”. Same wicked hot weather with a high today projected @ 90 degrees. Probably another record will fall today. October last I looked. There is a small weak frontal system that if as forecast will send the temperatures pummeling down to 87/88 next few days.  Despite the heat comforting that these continue to be postcard pretty days here for our fishing charters in Fort Lauderdale with basically zero rain around, none on us, which is the important part. Also comforting is that Mother Ocean continues to offer calm sea conditions, clean clear water and a reasonable current. 


      I’ll finish this report with the “different”.  You likely read our last report about the catching leaving something much more desired. Now the fishing was  OK ( fishing was OK but the catching sucked as has been said) with the reasonable conditions then as we mentioned for this report. Tough erratic fishing and light catches as I mentioned in that previous report are not welcomed. So “another day, another new day” as spoke in closing our last report has arrived ( at least for now).  Sailfish ( catch and release) on our last three charters. Stud Wahoo (released onto the ice in the fishbox), Full grown fun to catch Barracudas are above a wreck we often target. Several over 50 inches, and that is a good Cuda, especially on lighter tackle. Catch and release. Little Cudas everywhere and jumping baits of a size you would think they would be frightened of. State putting them under strict rules and management recently seems to be having quick and positive results. Those big ones on that wreck hadn’t been there for four years. A big fish most didn’t think you would miss until you didn’t see any. Some Mahi-Mahi and Kings.  Snappers bit for a charter with Joey and Kenny on the Marlin My Darlin 46 stopping to drop on a much deeper wreck. You have to go to glow, so get off the couch and get out there. Another day, another “new” day. Hope the fish continue to see it the same way as all of us. Fingers crossed, see you on the rip. 

     Captain Rick’s Marlin My Darlin cell @ 954-778-8173
