Pleasant weather here in South Florida for our fishing trips in Ft. Lauderdale. Once again we find ourselves experiencing very mild weather as other parts of the country again get hammered. Northern parts of Florida have also gotten a bit hammered but the fronts  have again lost most of of their horses as they reached us here in Broward County. That is great for our comfort zone but a bit more cool air coming into town and pushing through would be nice as the fishing remains erratic with roller coaster results. We have had some very nice fish join in but we have also struggled on other days. Sailfish as very scattered at best. Some (“some”) Blackfin Tunas, Mahi-Mahi, Kings and Wahoos. Good Jacks continue to inhabit the wrecks down south and do bite when there is a bit of current. Full grown Barracudas have been providing fun again on the light tackle. Rose Belly Perch happily have been very consistent and provided some great eating. It’s fun, we have caught some nice fish, but as we said previously, it remains erratic for now. As we wind down the present year with Xmas right around the corner we have included as always some pictures of anglers who have joined us here with their catches.  Happy Holidays to everyone, tight lines.