The weatherman called for 40 to 60 % rain today on the forecast posted early yesterday, dropped it to 40 % later in the day and then they stuck with that. More like we were stuck with that as it hasn’t rained a single drop on us at any time today. We’ ll see what tomorrow brings rain wise but they usually are pretty spot on with temperature and it appears that our Ft. Lauderdale fishing charters will be fished in air temps around 4 to 5 degrees cooler than today’s 88. The decent Kingfish (King Mackerel) bite has continued along the inner and outside edges of the reef line. Expect to get jumped by the summer Bonito as you move down the reef line as there are fair numbers passing through and they are aggressive. Loads more will be here July and August.A few Sailfish continue to be found in the same areas. Managed a few Mahi-Mahi since our last report but they continue to be scarce for us. The Tunas continue to be available, we are catching, but they are slightly fewer in number. Sharks, almost always a favorite of the younger set, continue to patrol the reefs and just outside the edge. Slight onshore winds taking the edge off the heat index, but that breeze can add a slight bump to the sea conditions. All in all pretty pleasant conditions for fishing in Fort Lauderdale. See you on the rip