We continue to have good success on our fishing charters here in Ft. Lauderdale. We continue to catch fully grown Amberjacks on the deeper wrecks with an occasional Grouper on the live baits. Some Kingfish continue to be along the reef line and some days numbers of fat adult Bonito right there in the same depths. Sliding just off the edge produced the nice Mahi pictured in this report. The nice adult Sailfish was also caught, photoed and released just off the edge. The fall bait migration is underway and right on schedule. Ever hear “well they didn’t leave us any Buffalo?” Modern thinking puts that one in the round file. Lets touch on modern approaches. You will notice the large amount of Baracuda photos with this article. The dramatically increasing Barracuda population here in Ft. Lauderdale is testament to the very successful implementation of a management program undertaken by the State of Florida. A fish once take for granted here became a very incidental catch, especially ones of the size in many of the included photos. Larger Cudas such as these were in the recent past taken for the most part on live bait. Every fish pictured here was caught on trolled baits, a testament to the successful and forward thinking laws implemented by the state. Caught photographed and released. These fish should not be eaten as many of your know, but the fact remains they are a fun and impressive species. Many of us here have caught numerous Barracuda over the years, and will hopefully continue to do so. That said many visiting anglers have not, and many specifically request the opportunity to experience a fight and have a photo with a nice sized Cuda. Numerous anglers target the Barracudas fresh water northern cousins the Muskie and Pike in their home states (or provinces) above us and welcome the opportunity and the much better chance for success that we are now experiencing . The smiles in the photos tell it all. So a decent bite going on across the board for numerous species, and thumbs up to the State of Florida for forward thinking and regarding the Barracuda and their success story.
Fishing charters in Ft Lauderdale specific species report
by Charternet Web Solutions Design Team | Sep 27, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments