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Early February fishing in Fort Lauderdale

It’s hard to believe that January has already come and gone. Seems as if it literally flew by. We enjoyed only a couple of “cool snaps” and a single “cold snap”. The much awaited cold snap just occurred and dropped us into the lower 40s. That was three days ago, 79 right now here on this bright breezy sunny afternoon as I write this fishing report and pass along what we have been catching on our fishing charters in Fort Lauderdale. We have had some nice fish and again as in our last report we will again say there have been tough days as well offshore. We have seen some Sails but that species remains way off from what we hope for number wise in January. Some Wahoo and scattered Mahi-Mahi. Snappers on structure and also some Amberjacks. We have dropped on the Rosebelly perch out in 800 feet several times in spots they share with Golden Tilefish when the current allows. Hammerhead Sharks in the area many days and some are visible on the surface heading to the south. Truly giant Barracudas are setting up camp on several wrecks now. Another front coming in this weekend, we’ll see what the change of weather brings us fish wise. We can certainly use some continuity as the erratic fishing along the Gold Coast here has everyone wishing for an uptick and some predictability. Nice Sail, Mahis yesterday, keeps everybody  off the couch. Enjoy the pics of recent anglers, and we’ll see you offshore


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