August was a pleasant month here in Ft. Lauderdale. Lots of calm days and some nice clear clean water close to shore. Some slow days as always but most days held some pretty good action. The end of the month has brought a big push of Bonito. Aggressive hungry Bonito. Some Kingfish in there with them, and large sharks are in there with them as well. Only an occasional Sail. When we see a Wahoo he is more likely than not a good one and has taken a bait fished on a deep line, those same deep lines that in summer get the most attention from the Kingfish and Bonito. Nice Amberjacks remain on some of the deep wrecks, only an occasional Grouper. We have snapper fished when the current allows (on some days it has been very swift) out in deeper water. Sharks out there too, but we get some. Occasional Mahi inside now as they essentially require a full day charter as they prefer deeper water this time of year, and even then can be hit or miss. Enjoy the photos of anglers who have joined us here aboard Marlin My Darlin