And just like that we are into the middle of January. This report of fishing in Ft. Lauderdale features  all photos of kids. Little kids, big kids. All of them really good kids that chose to bring their parents along with them for their fishing charter in Ft. Lauderdale. Boys and girls of all sizes and fish of all sizes too. When children get older they as we all know can be a bit harder to please, where as to a child most every fish is Moby Dick. The weather has been as diverse as the ages of these recent angler children pictured with some pretty chilly mornings recently. Afternoons now back into the 70s and the ocean has been very family friendly with slight sea conditions. We have had some decent fish along the drop offs at the outside reef line and also some good bottom fish on the deep water wrecks, but the catching continues to be erratic. This is not all that unusual for this time of year, but January can be less of a challenge as we get cooler to cold weather. We are doing a lot of moving around and trying different depths on many days to bend the rods and actually hoping for that cooler to cold weather. Remember this is south Florida and cooler to cold fits nicely in the 40 to 50 degree range. Fun in the sun. Tight lines, see you on the rip, and get those kids fishing. Love that 1st photo. In the chair, rod bent, hat on backwards with his new Marlin My Darlin T shirt on and a hooked Sailfish heading for the horizon. Making memories on that one.