This Fort Lauderdale sport fishing charter report is once again a strong one. Mahi-Mahi, Sailfish, and Wahoo have been biting and biting well. All within four miles from the shoreline.

A south current has been bringing some very clean water practically to the beach. We all love to see the beautiful blue water, but this water is exceptional. Clean bright clear blue water up on the reefs every day. Once one ventures off the edge it turns to ?Abaco? blue as we like to call it here. That is as in the Abaco Islands, on the edge of the eastern Bahamas. So blue as can be, almost a bright soft purple color. The Abaco islands are well known for the big fat Mahi that pass by there this time every year. Well we are catching big fat Abaco sized Mahi right here and right now, and close to shore. Lots of fish in the teens with some topping 20 pounds and even larger. We’ll see how long this lasts, as last summer was off. As for right now it is very good.

Very little bait out there right now so the fish can be difficult to pinpoint as they are not often showing themselves by chasing bait. Next to no seaweed, and very few Flying Fish. So when we do find them they are very aggressive on the baits, and that is with the full moon which often slows them down. But they continue to be hot on the baits when we find them with few tentative fish. Something is pushing them through here in these depths despite the lack of food. Their stomachs are basically empty. We won’t pretend to have the answer for them in these areas, we’ll just keep trying to put baits in front of them. Many of them are actually biting the deep lines before the surface baits. The Man O War birds (AKA Blackbirds, Hawks) are actually now often fairly high above the surface and not as engaged. The Mahi aren’t pushing Flying Fish out due to the shortage of them, and so they watch and wait hopefully from above as they track these fish as they move through.

The Wahoo love the big moon, and they love this clean clear water as well. We spoke of them in our last report, and since then they are still finding their way into the fishbox. As usual a really long line a ways behind the rest of the spread or the deep lines draw the most bites. As for the Kings they get the week off with all the Mahi off the edge but that is okay as they are notoriously tough to get to bite on clear water days. Tilefish and Jacks are home free as well, we are fishing for those fat Mahi with a few Wahoo thrown into the mix. A few Sailfish out there as well. A couple of White Marlin seen as well with Capt. Kopper having a crack at one here but that fish was smarter than the crew (LOL/ some do get away as we all know). Everyone is thinking Blue Marlin with all this stellar water and these Mahi-Mahi, but we are watching and waiting, locked and loaded to be sure. The big guns are out every time we go. Right place, right time and it will happen. Give us a call, we have some openings but not too many, so we can keep our lines in the water. Fishing is very good and fun right now. Tight lines.