With the latest frontal system making it’s way south through the Ft. Lauderdale area the fishing has improved a bit after a very slow weekend.
With the winds out of the northwest today we enjoyed comfortable sea conditions of only a foot in the areas we fish this time of year, which is and will remain within two miles of the beach for 90% of our charters. The water reaches over 400 feet of depth when one reaches that two miles off the beach, so it is plenty deep for just about any variety of pelagic fish other than Swordfish. Seeing one of them there is very unusual, but not unheard of. But the good news is the Sailfish, and that is where they are.
This afternoon we trolled a bit along the reefs and caught large Bonito and many smaller ones that we chose to use as live bait. We fished these live Bonito out of the outriggers and were one for two on Sailfish. Those fish bit us in 160 and 190 feet of water and were caught on circle hooks as we were looking for and expecting some Sails to show with the conditions (clear clean green water and a slight current) this afternoon. Those depths are roughly a mile and a quarter off the beach.
Cooler tomorrow morning and we’ll be around 50 in the morning. The wind should be right and we are of course looking forward to the day offshore. As always we have included a few pictures of recent anglers’ catches. And bring the kids, they are never too small. That little tough guy standing (with his sister) on a family charter alongside 1st mate JJ who is holding that big Sail in the lead photo notched his first today on the Marlin My Darlin. It takes awhile for an angler that size to bring a fish that size to boat side. Big enough to catch it but not yet big enough to hold it. Good fun. Sister had a crack at the front page too, but hers threw the hook.
Bring the kids. See you offshore.