This is right about the time every year that I make mention that it is coming up on the end of the typical school year and let’s get those children / kids aboard the Marlin My Darlin for a fishing charter in Fort Lauderdale. Well as we all know that at the moment has changed. Fact being we have been loaded up with kids lately as their schedule ( mom and dad’s too) has often become more “flexible” shall we say. So please enjoy all the pictures we always post and as you will see, kids have been frequent fishers.


            Weather has actually been decent. A good development after last week’s  ruthless and seemingly endless  hammering. Always a chance of rain every day this time of year as we often mention., but we are past 48 hours and still counting, and the weatherman is being pretty positive.  Wind has come down and we are fishing daily. Most action continues as expected continues to take place within two miles of shore inside of 500 feet of water depth. Kings, Bonito, Tuna of all sizes, Wahoo as pictured and a few Sails. Mahi have been more frequent but they are mostly small. Kids on the charters today, tomorrow as well. Even some adults too. See you on the rip