Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day and of course good fishing. We had some better fishing today with a couple of larger fish. A very nice catch and release Sailfish this afternoon was the big fish of the day and she took a live bait presented on a kite. The wind has swung to the north with this passing front and with it an uptick in Sailfish activity this afternoon. Hopefully it keeps on ticking up for our trips tomorrow as it has continued to be erratic here since our last Ft. Lauderdale fishing report, and some days are just downright tough fishing. We give 100% on every trip here on our fishing charters in Ft. Lauderdale every time we leave the dock and drop lines in offshore. Always a chance for a good fish every trip, but some tough days offshore have persistently remained. So we are looking at several days of a good breeze if the forecast holds true. A couple of days of north and then the usual swing to the east. We very much look forward to this wind and expect better fishing fortunes to come along with it. We dare say expect rather than hope for. There are good fish to be caught, and the anticipation of that is what keeps us fish heads heading out the inlet every day.  Enjoy the photos of recent anglers who have joined us here.