A very good week weather wise and an improved offshore deep sea fishing in Ft. Lauderdale as well as we fish our way into the final days of February. I say “fish our way into”as that is exactly what we are doing, being booked every day now. Still a few bumps in the road on some days but fishing has picked up and we have had some good catches to go along with the good weather.. Right around 80 every day with no rain. And that is good weather by most anyone’s perspective, ours for sure. Enjoy the photos of recent anglers and some of their fish. Also remember my statement above that there are still some bumps in the road. So bring your sunscreen and maybe a little luck, but remember some of the sweetest luck is often the result of opportunity meeting preparation. In addition to our Ft. Lauderdale fishing reports that we post here roughly weekly. We post photos and basic text daily on Facebook and Instagram if you view those sites. Tight lines and good fishing to all. Phone me direct for accurate availability and reservations. Refrain from booking online, always better to phone me direct for a fishing conversation . See you on the rip. Rick