And now we find ourselves over half way through the month of May. We are fishing every day so please reach me direct @ 954-778-8173 with any and all questions, and for sure reach me direct to reserve so we can speak and tailor the charter directly to your interests. It makes a difference. That said we have been seeing varied species on our fishing charters in Ft. Lauderdale, The summer Kingfish have been out front here and we catch them with good regularity. We typically target school sized Kings unless anglers request to aim for the larger ones, which involves the use of live bait. We catch some fat ones trolling but the largest ones typically fall to live bait. Trolling produces numbers, important when families and kids are involved. Live baiting with large baits produces the true big ones, but very often fewer fish. Along with the Kingfish we have seen Just about most everything that comes through here as May almost always offers varied species. Tunas, Amberjacks, some Wahoo, Sailfish, Mahi and Bonitos in the mix. Sharks around, with more of them every week and big Barracudas on some wrecks, fun on light tackle. Some snappers, Rose perch and Golden Tilefish the last two days bouncing off the bottom in deeper water around wrecks and live bottom.  That being push button fishing, better living through electricity using 12 volt electric reels. It is a lot more fun than it might sound as the angler with the best reflexes typically wins when that bite telegraphs to the rod tip. So decent catches on most days of many species. It’s May. Enjoy the photos of some of our anglers and their fish. Tight lines, we’ll see you on the edge