by Charternet Web Solutions Design Team | Jan 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Our fort Lauderdale fishing trips have been very similar to the charters we had the previous several days with fewer actual numbers of fish coming aboard but there are certainly some bigger fish available, and close to shore. Close to shore being within a mile or two...
by Charternet Web Solutions Design Team | Jan 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
The catches here in the Fort Lauderdale fishing area have become erratic and despite of some very nice fish taken aboard the Marlin My Darlin the overall slower fishing in general has forced us to modify the approach to putting some fish in the box. For now we are...
by Charternet Web Solutions Design Team | Jan 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
The latest cold front has come breezily into town. The seas are up, the temperature is down, and the Winter Sailfish season seems to be on as Ft. Laudedrdale fishing was all about the Sailfish today. Hard and even harder gusts from the northwest and then later in the...
by Charternet Web Solutions Design Team | Jan 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
As we head into the second week of the new year our Fort Lauiderdale fishing trips are offering opportunities at some really large fish with good sized Mahi-Mahi, Sailfish and Wahoo taking baits within two miles of shore. We are thankful that there are some truly nice...