As we work our way into November our Ft. Lauderdale fishing charters are again following for the most part the patterns of the last couple of Novembers. We have now seen a few early seasonal fronts move through our area. Every front brings the expectation of better fishing and that has been fairly accurate, but there are tough days that comes along with November fishing in SE Florida. We have and will continue to pick away at the Wahoo as the fish in the photo. There are a few Sails moving through and we are seeing roughly an average of one a day and for early November that is OK. We expect a push of these fish through the area around the last week of the month. We will also be bracing for the wind that seems is often here then as well. That is up to Mother Nature, a little extra wind is good, too much certainly less than perfect.

Bottom fishing has been good and this is a good time to catch a few grouper and we do target them. Vermillion and Mutton Snapper. Yellowtails best @ night but sharks move into 50/ 60 feet of water with them now. Kingfish up on the reefs with the cooler water. We have had some success with Mahi-Mahi often inside of 700 feet when they move through and it is not unusual to see them on the reefs and all the way inside on occasion in 40 or 50 feet and even shallower chasing bait.

So there are fish available offshore but as we said there will be days when we will struggle for bites. Best to be flexible with the wish list and concentrate on what gives the best chances for success and that can change from day to day. One nice little bunch of hungry Mahi can bend all the rods just when the clock seems to be ticking away. As the great Yankee skipper Yogi Berra famously said ”It ain’t over till it’s over” rings true in fishing as well, and we’ll stick with that. Tight lines.