Our Winter came in with somewhat of a roar and has since been following a different pattern. Early on we had some nice cool to occasionally cold days and lots of wind. The cool was good but the wind that seemed to blow on so many days was not so good. Some wind is very desirable, a lot of wind is less than perfect.

We are now well into our warm Winter. Looking at 80 degrees today and a slight wind later with no wind and flat calm seas this morning, typical of many mornings lately. This has greatly influenced the Sailfishing and while we are catching some, the numbers are down. These fish will move through our area but it would be nice to have some good frontal systems to spread the good fishing days around instead of a pile of fish moving through later and over a smaller time frame.

Wahoo will be a possibility on any trip offshore as will be the Mahi-Mahi. Most Wahoo will be close to the reefs and the Mahi we encounter have been anywhere from the reefline out to 650 / 700 feet. Kings are as usual on the reefs and when we catch them most are of legal size. Golder Tilefish season is open and the bite has been for the most part pretty good / most Groupers are now closed. Some early season Jacks on the wrecks. Blackfins off the edge and early morning or late in the day has been the time.

We are enjoying this weather and calm seas, but the fishing will continue to be erratic until we get some weather with some wind here in South Florida.