Xmas day and sunny skies, 72 degrees this morning @ 8 AM. We are closed for business today by will be offshore again tomorrow (26th). Sorry to dissapoint those who wished to join us here today but we do shut down two days a year, Xmas and Elvis’ birthday…. never take me too seriously… we only take morning charters on Elvis’ birthday.
Fishing has picked up and if you hopefully follow us on Facebook and Instagram (where we post much more frequently that these weekly reports) you have seen the uptick in Kings and Sails among others. Good action very near shore now and pleasant cooler days. Enjoy the photos of anglers who have joined us here for a fishing charter in Ft. Lauderdale aboard our Marllin My Darlin boats.
Happy Holidays to all. Rick, Matt, Tommy, Kenny, Joey, JJ and Cameron. See you on the rip.